Online Therapy May Be Your Best Choice
You have wanted to be a mom since you were a little girl and the possibility just seems to be getting further and further away. When you are young you just expect it to be easy. You get married and you have a baby. Simple, right? Not so simple for many people. Infertility can be a roller coaster of hopeful ups and devastating downs, but you don’t have to go through these feelings alone. So many things are going through you from joy to frustration, failure, and grief. Those who are not infertile or who have not gone through in vitro fertilization (IVF) typically have no idea what you are going through when an IVF procedure does not work. However, the best way to describe it is grieving. Just like having a miscarriage, when you get an IVF treatment and it does not turn into a pregnancy, you feel the same loss.
Causes for Infertility
Approximately 12% of women from 15 to 44 have trouble conceiving a baby for a variety of reasons. Some of these include:
- Ovulation problems
- Uterine disease or malformation
- Damage to the fallopian tubes
- Endometriosis
- Antibody issues that harm the eggs
- Previous miscarriage
- Genetics
- Unexplained fertility problem
In addition, there can be a problem with the men as well. Some of the reasons for men to be infertile include:
- Low sperm count
- Blockage of sperm transport
- Infections or damage to testes or prostate
- Premature ejaculation
- Spinal cord injury
- Nerve damage
- Injury or infection of the epididymis
- Genetics
Other Reasons
Also, there are those who are single or same-sex couples who need an alternative way to have a child. However, the cost and reliability of IVF has made this a dream they cannot get close to up until now. And even now since IVF is a closer dream than it was before, it is still an iffy procedure at best. Even if you can afford it, IVF may take several (or more) treatments to work. If it works. And, each time you and your significant other are going to go through the same loss as you would have if you had lost a baby preterm.
Talk to Someone
So, what can you do? Who can you talk to that will understand? Those who are already going through it, have gone through it, or will be going through it? Sure, but they have their own feelings about the situation and cannot be expected to help you with your burden. You need to talk to a professional who is trained in treating grief who can help you get through the whole process. Because it is a process. There are stages that you have to go through just as if you lost a loved one. Because you have, really. You lost another chance at your dream and you need to talk to someone about it who can help.
Online Therapy
Believe it or not, those who seek online grief therapy when going through infertility problems or failed IVF procedures have a better chance of getting pregnant in the long run. This could be because the negative feelings that you are feeling from the grief are keeping your hormones from doing what they are supposed to do, or it could just be that when you feel more positive, your overall health improves. Just as exercise improves your mood by increasing endorphins, online therapy can do the same thing.
Easier and Less Expensive
This is not to say that traditional face to face therapy is not just as good. It is just that online therapy is much easier and for that reason alone, more people who need treatment are getting it. If something is easier, more people will do it. Online therapy is more private as well since you can do it from home or wherever else you feel comfortable. It is also less expensive because online therapists do not have to pay for offices, transportation, and employees. And with all the money that IVF is costing, every penny counts. So, try talking to one of the over two thousand professional therapists at BetterHelp. You may be surprised how quickly your mood improves.
About the Author
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.