Our Recipients
Jennifer and Leland – Blacksburg, VA
Jennifer and Leland met by coincidence at a mutual friend’s birthday and began dating soon after.
Three years later, they were married! Early in the relationship, they discussed having children which they both wanted badly, since they each had close bonds with their own families.
Jennifer received a diagnosis of endometriosis in her 20’s and underwent two laparoscopic surgeries. The couple tried to conceive naturally for more than two years, but then received a diagnosis of unexplained fertility, with the possibility of an obstructed ovarian tube.
This was followed by a year of many tests, injections, fertility medications, acupuncture, and a combination of 7 failed IUI’s. After exhausting their savings on these treatments, the only medical option remaining is IVF, which is not covered by their insurance.
“Going through a struggle with fertility has been one of the hardest things we have ever been through, both individually and as a couple, and we will not give up until we have exhausted every possible resource and opportunity.
With the assistance of the Baby Quest Foundation, Inc. grant, we may finally get our chance to be parents!”