“On March 28, 2019, I became something I have always dreamed of for as long as I can remember… I became a Mom. My husband Sam and I became the proud parents of healthy boy and girl twins. This month has been the best month of my life. Every day is bliss. Every day I pinch myself and cry tears of joy. I relish every moment, whether it’s sharing with our newborns my favorite songs and dancing around our kitchen being silly, to silent moments of snuggle time hearing their heart beats against my own. I have never known a love like this before. My heart is so full of awe, gratitude, love and appreciation. This world can be a scary place where bad things happen- things that we can’t make sense out of, but there is still so much good in it. Baby Quest and our amazing Surrogate (I call her our fairy godmother) are the most perfect examples. I thank those who have helped us receive the most selfless gift.”